Juju Fars, PhD

Blog and other stuff

Vision science and psychophysics

Hey there! This page is where you'll find links to my scientific articles. Sometimes, if I have the time, I'll throw in some blog posts too. Just a heads up, my English might get a bit wonky in those! Keep checking back for updates on what I'm up to.


Serum levels of olanzapine are associated with acute cognitive effects in bipolar disorder

I. Shoshina, N. Almeida, Milena E C Oliveira, Bianca N.T. Trombetta, G. M. Silva, Julien Fars, N. Santos, T. Fernandes

Psychiatry Research, 2022

Chromatic discrimination measures in mature observers depend on the response window

Julien Fars, T. Fernandes, C. Huchzermeyer, J. Kremers, G. Paramei

Scientific reports, 2022

Perifoveal Cone- and Rod-Mediated Temporal Contrast Sensitivities in Stargardt Disease/Fundus Flavimaculatus

Julien Fars, F. Pasutto, J. Kremers, C. Huchzermeyer

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2021

Relationship between temporal L-cone flicker sensitivity and established clinical parameters in Stargardt’s disease

Cord R H Huchzermeyer, Julien Fars, Jan J Kremers

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 62(8), 2021 May 21, pp. 524-524

Psychometric curves in retinitis pigmentosa patients

Julien Fars, Cord R Huchzermeyer, Jan J Kremers

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 62(8), 2021 May 21, pp. 2804-2804

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Did you know I occasionally indulge in baking? On selected Mondays, I share my homemade vegan treats at the office. Here, you'll find regular updates with the emails I distribute to my institution's mailing list :) 

Homemade Vegan Baked Goods

Fluffy Garlic Bread

Revisit a classic?


Juju Fars (They/Them)

Please mention if the request is urgent

Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN)

University of Oxford

Curriculum vitae